Located in Harlem, NY, Òmìnira is a curated Fine Art & Tea reflective experience.
Òmìnira features International Art & Teas
Òmìnira means “freedom” in Yoruba.
Òmìnira is a curated reflective experience that invites guests on a healing journey through 12 meditation tables centered around themes such as love, freedom, hope, joy, truth, and mercy.

Current Exhibit:
“Black Heroine”
Heroine (noun)
her· o· ine
1a: a mythological or legendary woman often of divine descent having great strength or ability.
1b: a woman admired and emulated for her achievements and qualities.
2a: the principal female character in a literary or dramatic work.
2b: the central female figure in an event or period.
Òmìnira’s current Exhibit, “Black Heroine” centers and celebrates Black Womanhood in the fullness of our humanity.
Black Heroine features art from international artists based in Brazil, Nigeria, South Africa, Japan, and the United States.
Exhibit Dates: February 8, 2024 - May 2, 2024
About the Curator
Bolaji Oluwasola is a Christian Minister, Multimedia Artist, and Attorney. She is a proud Nigerian-American from Baltimore, MD who now calls Harlem home. There was an 11 year stint in Cambridge, MA somewhere in there, but she finally claimed her freedom from that cold and doesn’t like to discuss those darker days (just kidding…somewhat). Cuba, Brazil, and Nigeria have all been home to her at various points in her adult life. She is a lover of tea seeking to live at the intersection of faith, justice, and healing.
Bolaji attended Harvard University (AB in Sociology), Harvard Divinity School (Master of Divinity), and Columbia Law School (JD). She is barred in New York and California.
A portion of Òmìnira’s proceeds directly support advocacy to abolish the death penalty.
Òmìnira was like “medicine for my soul.”
-An Ominira Guest
A Private Location in Harlem, NYC
Visits are By Appointment Only
7pm - 9pm
12pm-2pm & 3pm-5pm